With the new year underway we wondered how many small businesses have set themselves new goals and ambitions for 2012, or have renewed their promise of pursuing new ideas made in the months, or even years, gone by.

When setting up The Business Greenhouse we surveyed businesses to find out what their ambitions were.  While the survey helped us to decide what services and support we should be delivering, we thought you might like to see the results.

Not surprisingly, 92% of those responding said their ambition is to increase the number of their customers or clients.  This was far and away the biggest ambition of all the companies completing the survey and possibly the one that would need the small business owner to dedicate the most time to fulfilling.  New customers can also mean exciting times for a business as they can bring diversity, new challenges as well as more income!

54% of those who responded also said that they want to promote their business more, while two categories tied at 46% showed business owners want more sales and to identify new ways of boosting business.

Wanting to improve efficiency came next with 39% of business owners saying this was their ambition.

Development of the company website and improving customer service both attracted 31% of respondents, while developing a new service or product and expanding the business are two goals set by 15% of businesses.

8% said that they would like to revamp their business image.

As for The Business Greenhouse, we’ve big ambitions for 2012.  Officially established last year, we’re looking forward to working with new clients, promoting our services, developing our website and much more!

What goals have you set yourself for 2012?  Have you got any advice based on your own experience on how to achieve set targets?  Please do leave a comment below – I know other readers would be interested to know!

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