Everyone I’ve spoken to in the last week has asked the same question: how can I get more done in the time I have?

Coincidentally, this is also a question I’ve been considering myself recently – odd you might think for the owner of a business that offers outsourcing and opportunities to take on some your workload

Be more productive & get the work done
Be more productive & get the work done

As with most small business owners I can work long hours, at weekends, and find myself snatching 5 or 10 minutes here and there around my family and other commitments.  With bigger demands on my business, I need to be more productive.

So I’ve spent some time evaluating how best to address this, and I thought I’d share my discoveries and look at how they could help you to be more productive:

News releases, or ‘press releases’, are a tried and tested method of getting information to journalists, even with the increasing popularity of social media.

Here at The Business Greenhouse we have a lot of experience in writing news releases, so we thought we’d share some hints and tips in a ‘mini-series’.