News releases, or ‘press releases’, are a tried and tested method of getting information to journalists, even with the increasing popularity of social media.

Here at The Business Greenhouse we have a lot of experience in writing news releases, so we thought we’d share some hints and tips in a ‘mini-series’.

Part 1: the preparation!  To make sure you get your story noticed and ultimately covered in the media, there are a few things to think about before you write it:

1.    Newsworthiness
News, by definition, must be ‘new’.  How is what you want to say ‘new’?  Think things that are happening and are unique now, rather than what happened last week.   If you want to promote your business, just writing about your business is probably won't be considered newsworthy enough.  However, launches, new products, winning awards/gaining recognition for excellence, and offering never-before-seen experiences would be of more interest.


2.    Audience

Who do you want to know about your news?  Your customers?  Your suppliers?  The local community?  Potential new business interests?  It’s important to identify your audience as it’ll help you to decide what to say and how to say it (and also which media to approach - see below)!

3.    Angle
What’s going to be your hook?  What is going to get people interested in what you’ve got to say?  You could consider linking to relevant current events or trends.  For example, if you're launching a new product, your angle could be the benefits it will bring your customers and why they can't live without it.  You could boost interest in, and strengthen, your story by providing evidence: any studies or reports that back you up; endorsement from an industry expert or a celebrity; including a case study to prove your product's success; sharing any results you gained from testing before it's launch and so on.

4.    Media
There are lots of different types of media to whom you could send your release.  Choose the ones that are best connected to your target audience and who will also find your story interesting.  If you’re celebrating a ‘best supplier’ Award for example, you might want to send your release to specialist trade magazines that are read by your customers and potential customers as well as your local and regional media.  If you’re announcing the launch of a new craft workshop, your local community magazine or newsletter, newspaper and community radio station could be a better choice.

5.    Your release might be used word for word
Sometimes news releases are altered very little or not at all before they go into print.  Use a spell checker, read and re-read (perhaps ask someone to look through it for you) to make sure it all makes sense and the correct grammar is used.  Making sure it reads well will help get it noticed in the first place too!

If you need help to write your news release, or just want to chat about the ideas you have for your news release, drop me a line!  You can reach me at [email protected], telephone 07546 409 664 or use the contact form on this The Business Greenhouse blog site.

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