I don’t know about you, but I’m back in the office today refreshed from a break over the festive season with a ton of ideas about what I want for my business this year. 

Are you in the same position?  How are you going to make sure your business is a success in 2013?  These are my thoughts:
1. Aim high
Don’t be afraid to aspire to something great.  

Fear of failure or the fear of doing something different sometimes gets in the way, and I’ve seen business owners set their sights low and or, worse, not pursue their ideas at all.  They’ll be sat here next year saying ‘I wish I’d done that’ and their business will not have changed.  

Be ambitious, be confident and have vision.  Imagine what it would be like if your idea became a reality.  What would that mean for your business?  What would it mean for you?

I was once told to ‘set the bar high and you will achieve more’, and it’s held true for me over they years.  You just have to be determined.

2. Action
Ideas will remain just that, as ideas, if you don’t put them into action.  So do something with them – now!  Write down your idea, plan the steps you need to take in order to make them a reality, decide if you can action those steps or if you need help from someone else, and get on with it.  

If you don’t do anything with your ideas, it’s very unlikely that anyone else will either!  But don’t get cross if you find your competitor’s come up with the same idea and is now doing the thing you wanted to do, if only you’d done it….

3. Celebrate
Acknowledge your success.  Whether it’s a tweet, a glass raised last thing on a Friday night, a smile, or perhaps even a party, it’s so important to realise what you’ve achieved.  Undoubtedly, it will take a lot of hard work and extra effort to take your idea from thought to reality and to take a moment to acknowledge this is proof of how far you’ve come.  It’ll also give you the confidence to set new goals and ambitions, as you know that you can put them into action and make your business a success.

So where will you take your business this year?  Start making your ambitions a reality now and may 2013 be the year in which your business grows, flourishes and thrives.

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